Employment Solutions is a protective workshop that provides disability-friendly environment. Persons with various disabilities participate according to their unique abilities and needs. Their capabilities are matched with the requirements of the different projects. The basis of teamwork, where each person contributes uniquely, forms the basis of this engagement model.
Projects are managed to accommodate the specific abilities of the persons with disabilities that engage in these projects. They are designed to provide the opportunity for individual growth and skills gain. Movement amongst different projects and units allows for varied experience.
The environment is built to enrich and foster acceptance as persons with dignity and self-realisation. The opportunity to be constructively busy is the most empowering tool in individual growth.
This list provides the contact details of residential facilities of Persons With Disabilities – 2015-16.
The purpose of the Technical Assistance Guidelines on the Employment of People with Disabilities (TAG) is to assist employers, employees, trade unions and people with disabilities to understand the Employment Equity Act of 1998 and its Code of Good Practice on the Employment of People with Disabilities. This includes non-discrimination and affirmative action measures and provides guidelines on how to implement it.
People with disabilities – a valuable asset in the workplace
The aim of the report was to identify the best way to recruit, train and deploy people with disabilities (PwD) on MERSETA scare skills learnerships within the automotive manufacturing sector (OEMs).
Employment equity interventions and policies have not improved employment prospects for South Africans living with disabilities, according to the University of Johannesburg’s Centre for Social Development in Africa (CSDA).
This code has been drawn up to guide employers to adopt a positive strategy in managing disability related issues in the workplace. It is intended to be read in the context of national conditions and to be applied in accordance with national law and practice.
This Request for Proposal is for not-for profit organisations in the disability sector that can benefit from subsidies to provide work to people with disabilities in a Workshop environment where products are manufactured, or services delivered based on contracts sourced.
DWDE is one of the leading players in the disability employment support services arena and offers a one-stop solution to positively address learning and employment opportunities for South Africans with disabilities to become integrated into the workforce. DWDE seeks to create awareness amongst employers about the employability of people with disabilities and to give people with disabilities exposure to employment opportunities and guide them in the right career choices.
Amendment of the Employment Equity Act, 1998.