Employment Solutions is a protective workshop that provides disability-friendly environment. Persons with various disabilities participate according to their unique abilities and needs. Their capabilities are matched with the requirements of the different projects. The basis of teamwork, where each person contributes uniquely, forms the basis of this engagement model.
Projects are managed to accommodate the specific abilities of the persons with disabilities that engage in these projects. They are designed to provide the opportunity for individual growth and skills gain. Movement amongst different projects and units allows for varied experience.
The environment is built to enrich and foster acceptance as persons with dignity and self-realisation. The opportunity to be constructively busy is the most empowering tool in individual growth.
The Policy on Disability that has been developed for the social development sector. This will ensure that equal opportunities for People with Disabilities, in all social services and programs are promoted and that such services will enhance the independence of People with Disabilities and advance their integration into the mainstream of society.
The purpose of the Convention is to promote, protect and ensure the full and equal enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms by all persons with disabilities, and to promote respect for their inherent dignity.
This is a peer-reviewed journal to focus exclusively on disability as human rights on the African continent.
The Yearbook, which is projected to appear annually, is set out in three sections. Section A contains academic articles: Section B consists of country-based research, charting recent developments on disability rights legislation, case law and policy developments in selected African states; and Section C deals with relevant developments in the African Union (AU) and African sub-regional organisations.
In Africa women with disabilities remain marginalised and struggle to claim their fundamental human rights as enshrined in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women. This focus explores the experiences of women with disabilities in leadership positions in disabled people’s organisations (DPOs) in Zimbabwe. A group of eight women leaders with disabilities in DPOs in Harare and Bulawayo were interviewed for the study over a period of three months during 2011. This article focuses on the core themes that emerged. Discussion of their challenges and experiences reveals the complexity of the interface between disability and culture, which created dynamic intersections between patriarchy and the gendered power relations experienced by the participants. Their experiences suggest that patriarchy continues to restrain full participation of women in leadership in DPOs in Zimbabwe, which is consistent with the global trend. Implications for exercising of leadership by women with disabilities who are active in the disability movement are also considered.
Cabinet in 2013 approved the annual celebration of National Disability Rights Awareness Month from 3 November to 3 December, and 3 December as National Day of Persons with Disabilities on the national events calendar.
The objectives of DRAM2015 are:
- To increase awareness about the rights of persons with disabilities as equal citizens among society in general;
- To accelerate equal access to socio-economic opportunities for persons with disabilities by making information available and accessible;
- To harness the abilities of persons with disabilities as active participants in South Africa’s development;
- To demonstrate government’s commitment to the promotion, protection and upholding of the rights of persons with disabilities by removing access and participation barriers to socio-economic opportunities and justice and by strengthening the representative voice of persons with disabilities.
The right to liberty and security of persons with disabilities adopted during the Committee’s 14th session, held in September 2015.
The objective of this report is to record progress that has been made at national and provincial level in expanding the implementation of the Policy on Inclusive Education in the period 2013 to March 2015. Furthermore, it is to track progress on selected systemic priorities as outlined in the National Inclusive Education Strategy developed in 2011 that has been guiding provincial implementation of priorities. The report also highlights models of good practice at provincial level and areas of need for additional resources. Finally the report makes recommendations on Norms and Standards as well as amendments required to ensure that South Africa meets its obligations in terms of the Millennium Development Goals and the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in the implementation of an inclusive education system at all levels.
These guidelines are intended as a tool for professional communicators to promote inclusiveness and the fair and accurate portrayal of people with disabilities.
This strategy and its action plan guide the ILO’s efforts towards becoming an organization that is truly inclusive of women and men with disabilities.